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PMI RMP Exam Sample Questions and Answers

15 August 2024

Updated in 2024, the PMI RMP exam questions now include agile and hybrid environments as well as enterprise-level risks a project manager need to consider. The 115 PMI RMP exam questions are available in person and online in English and Arabic. In this blog post, I will provide you with 10 free PMI RMP sample questions and answers that you will definitely see in the real PMI RMP exam.

PMI RMP Exam Sample Questions

Question #1

You are working with your project team and key stakeholders on risk management activities, and you have completed a round of qualitative risk analysis. You need to update the risk register with your findings so that you can communicate the results to the project stakeholders including senior management. In this scenario, which of the following is not an output resulting from this process?

  1. Watch list
  2. Risk categories
  3. Prioritized list of quantified risks
  4. Trends in qualitative risk analysis

Question #2

Shadi is managing a mega construction project, and this project challenge is completing a high-tech governmental university in 18 months and hand over it to the university management on 03/11/2021. Due to high importance of the project completion date, your risk manager performed a detailed Monte Carlo simulation for the project completion date, and as a result of this technique, you had the table shown below. You have discussed the results with the executive management, and they requested to increase the confidence level of the required completion date to 75%. Based on this request, what is the required additional contingency reserve

  1. 13 days
  2. 14 days
  3. 15 days
  4. 16 days

Question #3

Shadi is managing a project where he is calculating the expected monetary value during planning phase of the project. The following represents the risk assessment results:  20% probability of schedule delay with $20,000 cost impact, and 15% probability of cost overrun due to raw material price increase with $10,000 cost impact. In addition to a good procurement deal with cost savings of $10,000 and probability of 50%. What's the project expected monetary value?

  1. $500
  2. -$500
  3. $4,500
  4. -$4,500

Question #4

Shadi has identified a project risk that could injure project team members. He does not want to accept any risk where someone could become injured on this project, so he hires a professional vendor to complete this portion of the project work. This situation is known as what type of risk response?

  1. Acceptance
  2. Transference
  3. Avoidance
  4. Mitigation

Question #5

Yara is managing a project where she wants to find out the project cost budget. The cost of project activities as an output of the estimate costs process is $48,000. Contingency reserves were find out after risk response planning to be $12,000, while the management reserves are expected to be $3,000. Accordingly, what is the project cost budget?

  1. $60,000
  2. $63,000
  3. $48,000
  4. $15,000

Question #6

The watch list is a primary output of the perform qualitative risk analysis process. In this context, what should be done with risks on the watch list ?

  1. Document them for historical use on other projects
  2. Document them and revisit during project executing and monitoring
  3. Document them and set them aside because they are already covered in your contingency plans
  4. Document them and give them to the customer

Question #7

While performing numerical risk analysis on your project, you want to use modeling techniques such as the Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the project completion budget. You requested this from the risk manager on your project, and he provided you with the chart below. Based on this chart, what is the average completion budget of the project ?

  1. $733,867
  2. $750,599
  3. $742,552
  4. $725,644

Question #8

While performing subjective risk analysis on your project, you decided alone with the project team to use a tool that allows the organization to prioritize project risks for further analysis, and it can reflect the organization level of risk tolerance. What's the recommended tool for this purpose ?

  1. Probability and impact matrix
  2. Estimation techniques
  3. Risk urgency assessment
  4. Risk data quality assessment

Question #9

Utility function is a commonly used technique to determine risk tolerance levels. Some project managers are more averse to risk than others. In this context, which of the following is not a commonly used classification for risk tolerance ?

  1. Risk averse
  2. Risk seeker
  3. Risk mitigator
  4. Neutral risk taker

Question #10

While procuring a long lead item for your construction project, the team determines that there are two vendor choices. Vendor A has a solution with 55% chance of completing job on time and confidence level of 60%. Vendor B has an 80% chance of meeting the time frame and confidence level of 35%. What should the team do ?

  1. Insufficient data
  2. Select vendor A
  3. Select vendor B
  4. Selecting any of the vendors

PMI RMP questions answers

Answer #1

Option c. Prioritized list of quantified risks is an output of the quantitative risk analysis process. Qualitative risk analysis tends to be more subjective. It focuses on identifying risks to measure both the likelihood of a specific risk event occurring during the project life cycle and the impact it will have on the overall schedule should it hit. The goal being to determine severity.

Answer #2

Option d.  The requested completion date is 03/11/2021, with a confidence level of 40%, to increase the confidence level to 75%, the new date will be 03/27/2021, the difference between the two dates is 16 days. This is the required additional contingency reserve.

Answer #3

Option b. For this risk assessment, we have 2 threats with negative expected monetary value and one opportunity with positive expected monetary value. Expected monetary value= Probability*Impact. EMV= (-20,000*.2) - (10000*.15) + (10,000*0.50) = -$500.

Answer #4

Option b. Shadi is transferring the risk to a professional vendor, this is transference risk response strategy. Risk transfer can be defined as a mechanism of risk management that involves the transfer of future risks from one person to another, and one of the most common examples of risk management is purchasing insurance where the risk of an individual or a company is transferred to a third party (insurance company)

Answer #5

Option b. Cost Budget= Cost of activities + Contingency reserves + Management reserves. It's 48,000+12,000+3,000 = $63,000. The management reserve is the amount of the project budget reserved for unforeseen work that is within the scope of the project. The project manager adds the management reserve to the cost baseline resulting in the total project budget.

Answer #6

Option b. Risk needs to be actively monitored by the project. The watch list is regularly monitored to ensure that if any of the listed issues become risks, they are handled using the project risk management processes.

Answer #7

Option a. Monte Carlo gives you a range of possible outcomes and probabilities to allow you to consider the likelihood of different scenarios. As per the chart, the average completion budget at 50% is $733,867.

Answer #8

Option a. Probability and impact matrix tool used in the perform qualitative risk analysis process will allows the organization to prioritize project risks for further analysis, and it can reflect the organization level of risk tolerance.

Answer #9

Option c. The three commonly used classifications for risk tolerance are risk averse, risk taker and neutral risk taker (risk averse, risk seeking, risk neutral). Utility function: Ultimate decision on how to deal with risk is based in part on Project Manager tolerance for risk - this is measured by Utility function; - Y axis refers to Utility, i.e., satisfaction that the project manager gets from a payoff. X axis refers to the amount of money at stake.

Answer #10

Option b. Your selection will depend on the given figures of each vendor, probability, impact and price. Higher probability and confidence levels are better. For vendor A= .55*.60=0.33, Vendor B= 0.8*.35=0.28. It is better to go with Vendor A.


Practicing high quality PMI RMP exam questions is very important to pass the PMI RMP exam from your first trial. You can check our article through the link here where I am listing the most cost and time effective PMI RMP exam simulator available in the online market, in order to access high quality PMI RMP questions and answers before your real exam. Keep in mind, that the second contributing factor for students to pass the PMI RMP exam from the first trial is practicing high-quality PMI RMP exam questions.

Here are Elite Minds, we have developed a high-quality PMI RMP exam simulator, that reflects the new PMI RMP exam content outline published by PMI in April, 2022. Our PMI RMP questions were written through our experienced instructor, who passed the PMI RMP exam from his first trial.

Elite Minds PMI RMP exam simulator includes questions from the newly published PMBOK 6th and 7th editions, and the standard for risk management in portfolios, programs, and projects. Situational and scenario-based questions will form the core of the PMI RMP exam questions.

Around 80% of the real PMI RMP exam questions will be situational questions. Hence, it is very important that you develop your skill of solving these types of questions in the context of the revised syllabus of the PMI RMP exam by PMI.

Once you enroll in our PMI RMP exam simulator, you will have instant access from any web browser, with nothing to download. Elite Minds PMI RMP exam simulator comes with the following features that help you better prepare and boost your confidence when taking the actual exam:

  1. 575 PMI RMP sample questions. Build your confidence with accurate and realistic exam questions. Each PMI RMP exam question comes with a comprehensive explanation for the question as a whole but also a detailed explanation for the correct answer and misleading options.
  2. Questions developed by a team of PMI RMP credential holders. Just like the real exam, the PMI RMP exam simulator has a team of certified professionals working to constantly update the question pool. You’ll see various formats and styles that represent the variety of the actual PMI RMP exam.
  3. Fully updated to the latest PMI RMP exam Content Outline (ECO). Rest assured the questions, the percentage for each domain and the distribution of the topics among the various risk management approaches are aligned with the latest ECO from PMI®. Our expert team is constantly monitoring PMI developments so we can bring you top-quality questions and study materials.

With the Elite Minds PMI RMP exam simulator, you’ll gain access to five full exam samples that mimic the real test environment as closely as possible, down to the features you’ll see on the screen. Practicing the simulator's highly realistic questions will boost both your competency and confidence in taking the PMI RMP exam.

Feel free to have a look at our PMI RMP exam simulator, Also, do not hesitate to reach out through info@eliteminds.co whenever you have a question about the PMI RMP exam preparation journey.

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